2017年-検査技術科学専攻 学術論文など(総説?原著)

  1. Chino S, Ishizawa H, Hosoya S, Koyama S, Fujimoto K, Kawamura T: Research for Wearable Multiple Vital Sign Sensor using Fiber Bragg Grating - Verification of several pulsate points in human body surface-. IEEE 2017, 978-1-5090-3596-0/17/$31.00

  2. Fujimoto K, Yamazaki H, Ura M, Kitaguchi Y. : Efficacy of tiotropium and indacaterol monotherapy and their combination on dynamic lung hyperinflation in COPD: a random open-label crossover study. Int J Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis12:3195-3201, 2017.

  3. Kawakubo M, Horiuchi K, Komura H, Sato Y, Kato M, Ikeyama M, Fukushima M, Yamada S, Ishizone S, Matsumoto T, Ota H, Sagara J, Nakayama J: Cloning of Helicobacter suis cholesterol α-glucosyltransferase and production of an antibody capable of detecting it in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded gastric tissue sections. Histochem Cell Biol48: 463-471, 2017

  4. Kimura F, Ishikawa M, Ahi ST, Atpelage C, Murakami Y, Watanabe J, Nagahashi H, Yamaguchi M: Detection of Ki67 expression by analyzing texture of HE-stained Images: the effectiveness of signal intensity and co-occurrence matrix features. Anal. Quant. Cytol. Histol. 2017 .

  5. Kinugawa Y, Uehara T, Sano K, Matsuda K, Maruyama Y, Kobayashi Y, Nakajima T, Hamano H, Kawa S, Higuchi K, Hosaka N, Shiozawa S, Ishigame H, Ota H: Methylation of Tumor Suppressor Genes in Autoimmune Pancreatitis. Pancreas 46:614-618, 2017

  6. Koya T, Yanagisawa R, Higuchi Y,Sano K, Shimodaira S: Interferon-α-inducible dendritic cells matured with OK-432 exhibit TRAIL and fas ligand pathway-mediated killer Activity. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 42145 ,2017. doi:10.1038/srep42145

  7. Kurasawa S, Koyama S, Ishizawa H, Fujimoto K, Chino S : Verification of Non-Invasive Blood Glucose Measurement Method Based on Pulse Wave Signal Detected by FBG Sensor System. Sensor 2017, http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s17122702.

  8. Nagano N, Nakaya H, Nagata M, Nishizawa T, Kawahara R, Matsumoto T, Oana K, Kawakami Y: Characterization of first hemin-requiring Pseudomonas aeruginosa small-colony variants from the blood of an octogenarian male-patient with double pneumonitis. J Infect Chemother. 23:852-855,2017.

  9. Nagata K, Arai S, Taira C, Sugano M, Honda T, Okumura N: A novel frameshift mutation in the fibrinogen γC terminal region, FGG c.1169_1170 del AT, leading to hypofibrinogenemia. Thromb Res159:82-85, 2017.

  10. Nakamura T, Kimura F, Kobayashi Y, Asaka S, Uehara T, and Yamaguchi M: Focal-stack Analysis for WSI-based Digital Cytopathology. Proceeding ICO-24. 2017.

  11. Saito S, Koori Y, Ohsaki Y, Osaka S, Oana K, Nagano Y, Arakawa Y, Nagano N:hird-generation cephalosporin-resistant non-typhoidal Salmonella isolated from human feces in Japan. Jpn J Infect Dis. 70:301-304,2017. 

  12. Sakai K, Shimodaira S, Maejima S, Sano K, Higuchi Y, Koya T&Hongo K: Clinical effect and immunological response in patients with advanced malignant glioma treated with WT1-pulsed dendritic cell-based immunotherapy: A report of two cases. Interdisciplinary Neurosurgery9:24-29,2017.

  13. Sekiguchi N, Nishina S, Kawakami T, Sakai H, Senoo N, Senoo Y, Ito T, Saito H, Nakazawa H, Koizumi T, Ishida F:Oral cyclophosphamide was effective for Coombs-negative autoimmune hemolytic anemia in CD16+CD56- chronic lymphoproliferative disorder of NK-cells. Int J Hematol 105(1): 127-130, 2017

  14. Taira C, Matsuda K, Arai S, Sugano M, Uehara T, Okumura N: A Novel Mutation in the Fibrinogen Bβ Chain (c.490G>A; End of Exon 3) Causes a Splicing Abnormality and Ultimately Leads to Congenital Hypofibrinogenemia. Int J Mol Sci:18(11), 2017.

  15. Tanahashi T, Sekiguchi N, Matsuda K, Matusmoto M, Ito T, Nakazawa H, Ishida F:A screening method with lymphocyte percentage and proportion of granular lymphocytes in the peripheral blood for large granular lymphocyte (LGL) leukemia. Int J Hematol 105: 87-91, 2017

  16. Ushiki A, Nozawa S, Yasuo M, Urushihata K, Yamamoto H, Hanaoka M, Fujimoto K: Associations between the distance covered in the incremental shuttle walk test and lung function and health status in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Respir Invest 55: 33-38, 2017.

  17. 伊東哲宏, 菅智明, 小林惇一, 齊藤博美, 日原優, 横田有紀子, 中村麗那, 平山敦大,大工原誠一, 立岩伸之, 太田浩良: Cold snare polypectomy摘除標本に対する評価─EMRとcold snare polypectomyとの対比. 胃と腸 52:1580-1586, 2017

  18. 依田 恭介, 桐井 靖, 黒河内 顕, 三澤 俊一, 高木 洋行, 米田 傑, 太田 浩良: 十二指腸乳頭部癌に対して膵頭十二指腸切除術を施行した2例. 長野県医学会雑誌47: 62-63, 2017.

  19. 古川龍太郎,小山恒男,高橋亜紀子,依光展一,下田忠和,太田浩良,塩澤哲: 完全型腸上皮化生領域に認められ主細胞?壁細胞への分化をともなった胃型腺腫の1例.日本消化器学会誌114: 450-455, 2017 

  20. 黒河内 顕, 桐井 靖, 三澤 俊一, 坂本 広登, 高木 洋行, 米田 傑, 太田 浩良: 膵頭部癌と胆管内乳頭状腫瘍が重複した1切除例. 長野県医学会雑誌 47: 104-105, 2017

  21. 小堺智文,立石文子,神宮邦彦,飯塚啓二,岩本拓朗,石田章子,太田浩良: 膀胱洗浄液細胞診で推定しえたG-CSF産生膀胱癌の1例.日本臨床細胞学会雑誌56:172-177, 2017

  22. 石田文宏: LGL白血病の病態と治療. 血液内科 74(2): 285-291,2017.

  23. 赤羽貴行,村山範行,原寛彰,村田靖,名取達矢,春日恵理子,清水貴浩,三浦信樹,中島英恵,小穴こず枝,川上由行:排尿障害を有する患者からCorynebacterium urealyticumを分離した尿路感染症の一例.日赤検査50:45-50,2017

  24. 中澤英之,菅智明,石田文宏: セリアック病. 消化器内視鏡 29(1):155-157,2017.

  25. 塚平俊久, 林誠一, 太田浩良, 松本竹久. プロトンポンプ阻害剤により除菌されたと考えられたNHPH感染胃炎の2例 加えてNHPH感染胃炎9例の臨床像の検討. 日本ヘリコバクター学会誌 18: 21-27, 2017.

  26. 藤本圭作:What's new?-188bet体育_188bet备用网址室探訪- 保健学科検査技術科学専攻生体情報検査学領域.信州医学雑誌 l 65(2): 130-131. 2017.

  27. 藤本圭作:呼吸機能検査と病態進行把握の重要性.間質性肺炎?肺線維症の診療に必要な具体的知識とその活用 特発性間質性肺炎.Medical Practice 34: 571-575, 2017.